WPT Enterprises

WPT Enterprises, Inc., is the creator of the World Poker Tour (WPT) – the premier name in internationally televised gaming and entertainment with brand presence in land-based tournaments, television, online and mobile. Leading innovation in the sport of poker since 2002, WPT ignited the global poker boom with the creation of a unique television show based on a series of high-stakes poker tournaments.
When the company moved their 50-person office to a new location in Irvine, Wolcott engaged Tangram to provide furniture for the 11,500 square-foot space. The desire from WPT Enterprises was for the interior to be high-end design, but equally functional and cost effective.
After close collaboration with the company and the design firm, Tangram provided a full scope of furniture, including height-adjustable workstations, conference tables, meeting tables, task chairs, lounge furniture and ancillary furniture. The pieces captured the company’s playful personality with an on-trend color and material scheme that was equally aesthetic, functional and affordable. Furniture provided was from the following manufactures: Steelcase, Design Within Reach, CB2, OFS, Blu Dot, Enwork, Woodstock Marketing, AMQ and Valentine Woodworks.
The finished product was an effortlessly youthful and high-end space that captured the essence and character of WPT Enterprises.