West Coast University

When West Coast University moved from its 60k sq ft Dallas campus to a new three-story 136k sq ft campus in Richardson, Tangram was engaged by architecture firm Gensler to provide furniture and technology that would help promote the school’s mission and attract faculty and students.
The university offers health care students simulated lab experiences that feature the latest technology used in health care fields. Among the features at the Richardson site are a state-of-the-art simulation center for nursing students that teaches patient care situations ranging from routine treatment to emergencies. Tangram provided durable lounge and ancillary furniture for lobby and social spaces in WCU’s color wave, as well as task chairs, desking and technology for lab and learning rooms. The pieces selected were from manufacturers including Steelcase, Coalesse, OFS and SitOnIt, and support various modes of learning for the students participating both in lectures and active hands-on labs.
Cutting edge technology was provided for Technology Enhanced Active Learning (TEAL) classrooms, simulation labs and conference rooms. For the simulation labs, our technology team custom engineered an AV system that interfaced with their Laerdal SimCapture, a healthcare simulation learning management system. Over time, we have fully optimized this system so that it now serves as their standard enterprise-wide.
Additionally, our technology team designed and integrated several video walls within the 1st floor lobby area. An interesting feature is that our team also engaged with David Hunting, a well-known cinematographer who produces relaxing nature videos, to select high-resolution content for these walls and create a calming influence within a fast-paced setting.