
What Are the Alternatives to the Traditional Work Cubicle?

If you’re setting up a workplace or redecorating your workplace, you might be wondering about current workplace trends. Has the workplace changed a great deal in the last decade or two? Even in terms of the décor, are you seeing anything different? And if so, is it good different or bad different?

How Companies Have Changed

The fact is that, in the last few decades, companies have changed their attitudes a great deal towards their employees. They’ve become more cognizant of the importance of company culture. And that’s why you see all those lists of the top 100 companies to work for, etc.

It’s now a matter of pride for a company to be featured in one of these lists. And one of the most basic ways in which they can do so is to improve their work environment.

Alternatives to the Cubicle

Rather than dull grey cubicles where all the employees must work in semi-isolation, it’s a good idea to create spaces where there can be more interaction and more creativity without affecting an employee’s concentration.

This might seem like a difficult thing to do. If you don’t have cubicles, then how are employees going to be able to concentrate?

  • Semi-Open Cubicles: The answer might be not to do away with cubicles entirely, but to have semi-open cubicles. For example, you could just have a two-sided cubicle instead of one which is completely like a cube.
  • Windows: You can have a window in the cubicle which allows the employee to look outside.
  • Glass Walls: Cubicles or office walls made of glass can also give a greater feeling of openness to the entire office area.
  • No Cubicles: If you are thinking about doing away with cubicles entirely, you can just arrange desks in the office area. These desks can be arranged in rows or in circles (the latter to give a greater feeling of community in the office area). And you can always use some creativity to combine different types of desks and chairs together so that everything doesn’t look like it just came off the assembly line.

Contact us for more great tips to organize your workplace in a way that will encourage and motivate your employees.